Time travel

The exhibition Zeitreise in the Museum im Kleihues-Bau in Kornwestheim near Stuttgart celebrates the 50-year history of Galerie Geiger, which was founded in Kornwestheim in 1975. As a cultural centre, the gallery has not only shaped the international avant-garde, but has also given decisive impetus to the art landscape in Kornwestheim and the region.

The exhibition features works by 40 renowned artists such as Heinz Mack, Christian Megert, herman de vries and Daniel Spoerri.

Stephan Geiger, who now runs his gallery in Konstanz, selected the following work by Armando for this exhibition: Landschaft, 2008, 200x155 cm.

Until 3 May 2025

In connection with the theme 80 years of freedom, the Gorcums Museum shows the exhibition Over Leven. In this exhibition, 12 artists show how the creative process is a processing of war, flight and freedom. Each artist delivers a battle in their own way that shows that freedom is not self-evident. 
In addition to work by Armando, Marlene Dumas, Raquel Maulwurf and Ai Weiwei are also represented. 
Until 25 May 2025

Die Hand, 4-10-06, 100x100cm, collection Armando Foundation

The exhibition “Armando” was opened in Museum Warsenhoeck in Nieuwegein on Sunday 2 February. It is a small, educational presentation that has 80 years of freedom as its theme. 
In addition to graphics via Galerie Christian Ouwens, the exhibition also features canvases from the Armando Foundation collection.
Until 27 April 2025. 

PAN 2024

From Sunday 24 November to Sunday 1 December in the RAI Amsterdam.

Among the 125 participants, galleries authorised by the Armando Foundation are present, amongst others gallery Dom’Arte from Rucphen and galerie Helga Hofman from Alphen a/d Rijn.

Der Baum (The Tree) 17-12-12, 130x170

Gerry Broos from gallery Dom’ Arte (stand no. 65, www.galeriedomarte.nl) is showing work by Armando as well as work by Marc Mulders, Ronald Zuurmond, Reinoud van Vught and Sabine Lintzen.

4 x zwart (black) 1974, 27x25cm

Helga Hofman (stand no. 111, www.galeriehelgahofman.nl) is showing work by Armando as well as work by Jan Cremer, his son Ivan Cremer and Jasper Krabbé. A Wunderkammer is furnished with work by the permanent gallery artists.

Flehite, Amersfoort

From 23 November 2024 to 2 March 2025, Museum Flehite in Amersfoort will present the exhibition Jan de Beus painter - collector. 
Discover the adventurous - impasto - painting of Jan de Beus and a wide selection from his private art collection, which consists of works by artists who inspire him, such as Georg Baselitz, Oskar Kokoschka, Theo Wolvecamp and Karel Appel. 

A special aspect of the exhibition is the meeting of the artistic worlds of Jan de Beus and Armando. During the turbulent eighties, De Beus spent a lot of time in Berlin, where he met his forerunner and kindred spirit Armando. Despite their different styles, the exhibition highlights their shared fascination with nature and human emotions, which is expressed in their common expressionist and impasto painting style.

In addition to several paintings and sculptures by Armando, this red vase from 2011 is also on display.In addition to several paintings and sculptures by Armando, this red vase from 2011 is also on display.

Vaas (Vase) nr. 64, 2011. Collection Armando Foundation.

Since early November '24, Christian Ouwens Galerie has a second location: Boekhandel Donner, on the Coolsingel in Rotterdam. 
Among others, work can be seen by Armando, James Aldridge, Eugène Brands, Klaas Gubbels and Micha Patiniott. The theme of this presentation is "Blue". 


September 18, 2024 
It's been over 6 years since Armando passed away. If he were still here, he would be celebrating his birthday this day, 95! 
This photo was taken in 2016 in Armando's studio in Potsdam by Ludwig Rauch. He also photographed painters such as Anselm Kiefer, Georg Baselitz and Gerhard Richter. 

Photo: Ludwig Rauch

Durchdringen: Das U/unheimliche s/Sehen (Penetrating: The U/uncanny s/Seeing)

Curator Michael Müller has put together a 2-part exhibition with works from the collection of the Berliner Volksbank. Armando's bronze sculpture Urne from 1996 is also included.

On view until 8 December 2024, Stiftung Kunstforum Berliner Volksbank, Kaiserdamm 105 Berlin.

A companion catalogue is available (no ISBN).

Armando is back in the Elleboogkerk.

Following the recent donation by the Armando Foundation to Amersfoort in C, the exhibition Krijn de Koning & Armando will be on display in the Elleboogkerk in Amersfoort from 12 September to 5 January 2025.

Krijn de Koning designed a construction of a dark corridor system with a light object at a central point inside especially for this exhibition. The Armando canvases from the donation hang on the outside of this construction.

Coen Bruning and Gerrit te Spenke at the bronze statue Der Vogel.

During the opening speech by Coen Bruning, chairman of the Armando Foundation, it became clear that in addition to the generous donation that the Armando Foundation already made to Amersfoort in C, Armando's iconic sculpture of der Vogel (the bird) has also been added.

Der Vogel stood on the remains of the tower for a short time after the fire in the Elleboogkerk (2007), after which it left for other locations. It is very special that this sculpture is now back in Amersfoort after many years.

Seestück 10-11-16, 140x170 cm. Collection  Armando Stichting

The exhibition The city and the water can also be seen in Museum Flehite until November 10, 2024. Artists from the past and present reflect in their work on the bond between men and water. This also includes two Seestück works by Armando.

Rote Blume 12-7-13 ,150x150 cm. Collection Amersfoort in C.

In Museum Flehite in Amersfoort the exhibition Bloemrijk shows Armando's intense canvas Rote Blume for the first time from the Amersfoort collection in C.

For more information about this exhibition, see the museum website.

Photo: Coen Bruning

This spring (2024) Singer Laren purchased this Torso from 2005. Armando selected this sculpture during his lifetime together with museum director Jan Rudolph de Lorm for placement in the museum garden designed by Piet Oudolf. Noud Kemner provided the statue with a new patina.

At Art on Paper Amsterdam, Armando is represented in the stand of the Helga Hofman gallery with, among other things, this gouache: Z.T. from the year 2015.

6 x white 1963/70 123.5x122cm (detail)

Armando was represented at TEFAF 2024 with several early works. BorzoGallery in particular presented the 5-part Schuldig landschap (Guilty landscape), a work on paper from 1976 and a white plate work from the 1960s.

The Wolter & Water exhibition is on display in Museum Flehite in Amersfoort until April 1, 2024.

Hendrik Jan Wolter was born in Amsterdam in 1872 and moved to Amersfoort with his family as a young boy.Just like Armando who happened/did that about half a century later. In any case, both were largely 'formed' in Amersfoort. And both painters made seascapes, so it is obvious that in addition to Wolter's impressive water works, Armando's canvas Blau from 2010 is also included as a water impression in this exhibition.

Armando estate goes to Amersfoort

Armando, Potsdam 2015, shown here with his Rotes Bild from the same year. Photographs: Hock Khoe

Museum Flehite, part of Amersfoort in C, is to receive a substantial donation of Armando's works and personal belongings. Together with the works which the museum already has on long-term loan from Amersfoort City Council, this will create a representative overview of Armando's multifaceted oeuvre. In future, the museum will provide space for Armando's work both in the permanent collection and in temporary exhibitions from time to time. The museum will also be responsible for the management and lending of the remainder of the collection, which remains the property of the Armando Stichting.  See also museumflehite.nl  

The regular Armando galleries will continue to offer Armando's work as before in collaboration with Armando BV.

Photo: Michiel Stokmans

Armando - The patiently waiting paper  From September 9 to October 21, 2023 at BorzoGallery, Amsterdam. A selection of drawings from Armando's estate that he made between 1954 and his death in 2018.

For more information: www.borzo.com

The quay at Museum Flehite with, next to two Armando “Gestalt” sculptures, the gigantic polar bear by Florentijn Hofman. Photo: Jaap van der Meer

Exhibition Art & Zoo 
DierenPark Amersfoort exists 75 years. To celebrate this, Museum Flehite is organizing a family exhibition Art & Zoo. With the brand new exhibition, employees and visitors of DierenPark Amersfoort show funny, moving and poignant stories about how people's view of animals has changed in the past 75 years. Animal lover Armando is also represented (in the museum) with the canvas das Tier (the animal).

From July 8 to November 19, 2023


Das Tier 23-4-99, 200x200 cm, Collection Municipality of Amersfoort

Der Tisch, collection Armando Foundation

Sculptures at the Parc, 1 June to 1 December 2023, is a sculpture exhibition in Parc Broekhuizen in Leersum. In addition to work by Nic Jonk, Sinkichi Tajiri and Jan Verschoor, you will also come across Armando's Der Tisch (2013).

On the occasion of Cherry Duyns' latest book ‘I'll call you when I'm dead’. Conversations with Armando., the exhibition Armando: through the eyes of a friend can be seen at museum van Bommel van Dam in Venlo from 18-3-2023 to 3-9-2023. A selection of iconic Armando canvases and works from the collection of museum VBVD, collection Armando Foundation, Amersfoort in C and private loan are shown for the first time.

The exhibition takes visitors past Informal work, Zero work, canvases from the Berlin period, his later work, and bronze sculptures. 

Cherry Duyns chose the exhibition texts for these works from his latest book.

More information can be found on the website of the museum: www.vanbommelvandam.nl

Photo: Antoon Melissen

Rijksmuseum Twenthe in Enschede shows: Armando-Gestalten. It is the first exhibition dedicated to his 'life-size' bronze sculptures. The sculptures are accompanied by paintings with similar themes. In addition, there are also the fragile sketches that provide an insight into his way of working.

Josien Beltman and Sigrid Bruijel put together the exhibition with works from the collections of RMT, Armando Stichting, RKD, Kröller-Müller Museum and private loan.

The exhibition is on show from 5-3-2023 to 20-8-2023.

Additionally, on Sunday afternoon, 16 April, John Heymans will have a talk with Cherry Duyns in the museum about his most recent book Gesprekken met Armando. 'Ik bel je wel als ik dood ben'. (Conversations with Armando. ‘I'll call you when I'm dead’.)

More information can be found on the website of the museum: www.rijksmuseumtwenthe.nl

The IVAM Center Julio González in Valencia, Spain houses the exhibition Far from the void. ZERO and postwar art in Europe. It captures the most relevant moments of the brief history of the ZERO movement in Europe in the early 1960s.

Among works by Mack, Piene, Spoerri, Tinguely and Klein, there is also Armando's 2x7 Black bolts on red, 9/61 (Collection: Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam).

From 29-9-2022 tot 12-2-2023

Simultaneously with documenta 15, Neue Galerie in Kassel presents about: documenta, an overview of the history of documenta, from 1955 to the present. Armando's Preussisch from 1982, then shown during documenta 7 of that same year, is part of this overview.

90 years RKD. Acquisitions 1932-2022

RKD - Netherlands Institute for Art History - anniversary exhibition

The formation of the RKD's collection takes centre stage in this anniversary exhibition. Where at first acquisitions sometimes were mere strokes of luck, there is a clear acquisition policy in the year 2022. The exhibition shows characteristic objects within five themes from the collection: De Stijl archives, ZERO archives, photo albums, technical documentation, and archives of art historians.

Especially for this exhibition, Armando's studio was reconstructed with his chair, his easel and other painter's tools in it.

24 May – 4 November 2022

Anningahof country estate

The new exhibition season of the Anningahof was opened on 15 May 2022. For this edition, Hib Anninga once again compiled an interesting selection, within which, in addition to the work of young, talented artists, considerable attention remains for 'his' permanent core of sculptors. In the sculpture park, you can come across Armando's iconic Der Vogel (The Bird), hidden in the green along with many others.

On show until 30 October 2022.

In Parc Broekhuizen in Leersum(NL), the sculpture exhibition, Sculptures at the Parc, Pastorale 2.0, was opened on 14 April by Prof.Dr. Jan Teeuwisse.
This sculpture exhibition runs from 14 April to 31 October 2022 and consists of 27 sculptures by Dutch artists. which are exhibited both indoors and outdoors in the park. Including work by Atelier van Lieshout, Sjoerd Buisman, Henk Visch, Andre Volten. Armando's Körperlich that is presented here, has never been exhibited before. 
Visit the website for more information:


Sea Pieces is Armando's solo exhibition at Galerie Geiger in Konstanz (D), an environment he often and gladly visited. Partly because of this, his 'water' works get an extra dimension here on the shore of Lake Constance.

Until 30 april 2022

Our man in Paris. Bram Bogart's influence on Schoonhoven and his friends.

The Parisian influence on his Dutch fellow artists who worked in the same style was undeniable. For example, Armando gave the works he made in this period French titles such as: Espace criminel, Tête noire, and Peinture criminelle. As an illustration of Bram Bogart's influence, some works by artists who ‘informally’ worked in the same style were also included in this presentation, among them Armando’s Peinture criminelle from 1956.

Museum Prinsenhof, Delft, from 18 February to 9 August 2022.

Armando examines an Informal canvas in his studio, 1956. Photo: Ida Sipora  

In addition to Armando's bronze Kopf (head) from 1997, works by Alighjero Boetti, Christian Boltanski, Louise Bourgeois, Anish Kapoor, Andy Warhol and many others can be seen under the title Belonging on various locations in Limerick (IRL). These works all originate from the collection of the European Investment Bank, which also organises the event.

From 1 February to 24 April 2022.

Sailors Home, the location of Armando’s “Kopf”

From 5 February to 3 July 2022, Kunsthal KAdE in Amersfoort hosts the exhibition Abrasive Paradise, for which 12 contemporary artists are invited to reflect on the utopian ideal of a makeable world, within a world that turns out to be anything but makeable.

This exhibition includes a room with works by artists who also inspired them, including Armando with his Schuldige Landschaft (Guilty Landscape) diptych from 1987.

Schuldige Landschaft 1987, 198x198cm (2x) collection Armando Foundation

Armando’s Gefechtsfeld 28-5-85, museum van Bommel van Dam collection

After a 5-year renovation of the former post office at the Keulsepoort in Venlo, museum van Bommel van Dam opened its doors to the public again on 4 September 2021, with the exhibition ’50 years museum van Bommel van Dam’. A rich retrospective exhibition with works from its own collection, also featuring artists and style contemporaries Jan Schoonhoven, Bram Bogart, and Armando.

 On show until 9 January 2022.

Press release issued by the RKD, July 2021

Armando Archive comes to RKD

The Armando Foundation and the RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History are delighted that a substantial part of the archive of Armando (1929-2018) will be housed at the RKD. The 2.5 meters of archival material includes scrapbooks, notes, sketches, photographs and correspondence.

Armando’s legacy

Armando, who died in 2018 at the age of 88, was a versatile artist and a true multi talent. As heir to Armando’s entire artistic oeuvre, the Armando Foundation is not only responsible for his paintings and sculptures, but also for his literature, tv-programmes and music. This richly varied oeuvre can be regarded as a ‘Gesamtkunstwerk’, rooted in his experiences living close to Kamp Amersfoort during World War II. The legacy of Armando also comprises an extensive library, photographic documentation and his personal archive with scrapbooks, diaries, manuscripts, notebooks and sketches.


It is the aim of the Armando Foundation to introduce the artist’s work to a wide audience and it is now donating part of Armando’s archive to the RKD, where it will be made available for further research. Another part – manuscripts, books and notes relating to Armando’s literature and poetry – will become part of the Literatuurmuseum, which too is situated in The Hague. A collection of posters from the archive will be adopted by the ReclameArsenaal. Sigrid Bruijel, on behalf of the Armando Foundation: ‘We have proceeded with great care in handling the Armando legacy. Our first priority is keeping the memory of Armando and his Gesamtkunstwerk alive and passing it on to the public in a suitable way. Knowing that the RKD is the right place for Armando’s archive has given the foundation the reassurance it needs.’

Further research

The many notebooks with preliminary sketches for paintings, sculptures and drawings offer more insight into the extensive oeuvre, as do the scrapbooks with correspondence, newspaper articles, snapshots and other documentation Armando himself compiled. The archive also includes ring binders filled with portrait photographs showing Armando through the years, pamphlets, notes of meetings and opening speeches for exhibitions. Through these the archive presents an overview starting with Armando’s Zero-period in the sixties until his final years.

Remarkable are the pictures Armando himself took of his surroundings or of objects he sometimes literally used for his paintings. The archive also contains a number of artworks made especially for Armando by befriended artists, such as Klaas Gubbels. At the beginning of this month, the archive was moved to the RKD in The Hague, where it will be recorded and further examined

Waldrand 20-10-17, 200x250cm, collection Armando Foundation


The exhibition Ars Longa Vita Brevis in the Rijksmuseum Twenthe will be extended until December 22, 2022. In addition to the Armando canvas Preussisch, which the museum purchased just before his death, the painting Waldrand is also on display.

Das Rad 2000, Collection ABN-AMRO

ARTZUID 2021, Amsterdam

Ralph Keuning, director of Museum de Fundatie and Kasteel het Nijenhuis, is the curator for this seventh edition of ARTZUID. 

This year, 6 sculptures by Armando were given on loan by the Armando Foundation, 3 of which can be seen on the Gustav Mahlerplein.

Opening hours ARTZUID: from 1 July to 17 October 2021, the sculptures are exhibited in the public space and are accessible 24 hours a day.

During the exhibition, the Information pavilion at Minervalaan 10 is open every day from 10.00 to 18.00 hours (subject to the Corona measures applicable at the time).

See the website artzuid.nl for more information.


Die Flügel 2015, collection Armando Foundation

Vase 2010, 148.5 cm high x 45 cm in diameter, Collection Armando Foundation.

For this little presentation, ceramics expert Ger de Ree selected ‘jugs and jars’ from the collection of Museum Flehite. He has selected highly diverse ceramics, from Chinese porcelain, German stoneware and Gouda earthenware to contemporary ceramics. The two vases and the dish made by Armando were given on loan by the Armando Foundation. To be seen up to and including 21 September 2021.

As soon as the museums are allowed to open their doors again, Rijksmuseum Twenthe will present the collection exhibition ‘After the hunt!’ in which they take stock of ten years of collecting. Highlight of the exhibition is the newly acquired work ‘View of Hampstead Heath: Child’s Hill, Harrow in the distance’ from 1824, by the English landscape painter John Constable. This exhibition will also feature Armando’s Preussich 1983/84 (Prussian) and Der Feldweg 1-1-17 (The dirt road), both from the Rijksmuseum Twenthe’s collection. Armando was a great admirer of the work of the English romanticists, so it very special that these works now can be seen together in this exhibition.

Preussisch 1983/84, 170 x 170cm, collectie Rijksmuseum Twenthe

Eingekreist 22-8-97, 198x198cm, collection Berliner Volksbank

Eingekreist (Surrounded) is Armando’s contribution to the WIR. Nähe und Distanz (WE. Nearness and Distance) anniversary exhibition, featuring works from the art collection of the Berliner Volksbank. On show until 27 June.

For more information: kunstforum.berlin/aktuelle-ausstellung/

Der Feldweg 16-2-17, 140x240cm, collection Armando Foundation

In the national theme year ‘Ode to the landscape’, Museum Flehite in Amersfoort will be hosting the multi-faceted exhibition Across the fields and on the roads, featuring landscape paintings and drawings from its own collection and that of the municipality of Amersfoort, from 20 February to 24 May 2021. In addition to work by inter alia Gerrit Benner, Armando’s canvas with its appropriate title Der Feldweg (The dirt road) can also be seen.

Waldstück 29-10-01, 200x200cm, collection Museum Voorlinden

Armando’s Waldstück (woodland), on display at the exhibition Deep-rooted – trees in Dutch painting at the Dordrechts Museum from 19 November 2020 to 5 April 2021, together with works by inter alia Jan Toorop, Jacoba van Heemskerck, Jacob van Geel, and Pyke Koch.

Torso 2005, edition 1/3, 200x82x68cm, collection Armando Foundation

After the sculpture exhibition of Pépé Grégoire, Armando's Torso has been moved to a beautiful new place in the Piet Oudolf garden at the Singer Museum Laren.

Das Tier (Animal) 13-3-91 dimensions 198x250cm, collection Museum Jan Cunen

From 4 October 2020 to 31 January 2021, the exhibition Mieke Bal – Art by necessity will be on display at the Museum Jan Cunen in Oss.

What makes art a necessity? According to Mieke Bal, ‘it makes sense, it is even necessary, to look at the world from the perspective of art.’

Guest curator Jeroen Lutters made a composition of Mieke Bal’s most important video installations, combined with work from the museum’s own collection, by inter alia Ronald Ophuis, Martine Stig, and Armando.

Das Ziel (The Goal) 17-6-94, oil on canvas, 180x180cm, collection Armando Foundation

75 years freedom in art

This is the title of an exhibition opening at the City Museum (Stadsmuseum) in Doetinchem on 22 September 2020.

A key theme of the exhibition is the power and the significance of visual art and photography during and after the Second World War. Again and again, Armando manages to express this determining period in his life with full conviction and in an impressive manner.

In addition to Armando, works by Otto Pankok, Jo Spier, Lucebert, Eugène Brands, Anton Heyboer, Henk Peeters, Kadir van Lohuizen, Michael Wolf, Pauline Nijenhuis, Günther Uecker and Kira Fröse, among others, are also on display here.

The exhibition will last until 28 March 2021.

For up-to-date information and opening hours: www.stadsmuseumdoetinchem.nl


Armando’s NUL installation “Zwart Water" (Black Water, collection Museum Kröller- Müller) from 1964 is a basin filled with water in an almost completely darkened room. It is the centrepiece of the 'Paint it black' exhibition at the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo.

In addition, works from the museum’s own collection by inter alia Jo Baer, Ger van Elk, Ad Reinhardt, Richard Serra, Robert Smithson, Louise Nevelson, Francesco Lo Savio and Tony Smith can also be seen here. Black also plays an important role in these works.

From 19 Sep 2020 to 28 Feb 2021

Relocation of Der Bogen (The Arch)

On the low loader....

via the sky....

on it's new spot.

On Monday 17 August 2020, at the initiative of the municipality of Amstelveen, Armando’s sculpture Der Bogen was moved from the Stadsplein to a new location, ‘because it deserves a better place’. After a vote by the residents of Amstelveen, this became the Stadstuinen (the City Gardens).

3 of the 4 Armado's on display in Deventer, from l to r: Melancholie, Rotes Bild, Untitled

EICAS, a preview.

In anticipation of its definitive establishment at Nieuwe Markt in Deventer in 2021, Eicas now allows you to take a sneak peek in its temporary accommodation at Polstraat 6A in Deventer, with works by Zero-artists Henk Peeters, Jan Schoonhoven, Armando, Jan Hendrikse, and herman de vries. A temporary exhibition with contemporary non-figurative art can also be seen here. The Armando Foundation gave 4 works by Armando on loan.

Espace criminel 12/1959, collection Armando Foundation

The Armando Foundation has loaned the 1959 Informal artwork ‘Espace criminel’ to the Chabot Museum for their exhibition Kunst stelt alles voor (Art Represents Everything). The exhibition also includes modern masters from its own collection and from the collection of the Boijmans Van Beuningen museum.

Up to 29 November 2020

Photo by Sigrid Bruijel

Gestalt (Figure), Kopf (Head), and die Beine (The legs) can still be seen by the water at the Flehite Museum in Amersfoort until 1 September 2020.

Museum Belvédère in Heerenveen presents the exhibition Relations & Contrasts. In addition to works by inter alia Karel Appel, George Baselitz, Willem de Kooning and Markus Lüpertz, 10 impressive works by Armando from the collection Hans and Cora de Vries can be seen until 14 June 2020.


Das Rad (The wheel) 1989, edition 2/3, 180x160x61cm, now on show at a private location in Heerenveen.

In the context of an update or prolongation of the exhibition ‘Tekens van vrijheid’ (Signs of freedom) at the Limburgs Museum in Venlo, one of Armando’s works on display here, Sandro Botticelli’s conversion 1979, 210x150 cm (2x) is switched for the canvas Körperlich (Physical) 1982, 255x155cm. Espace Criminelle (Criminal space) 9/1957, 116x91,5cm can also be seen here.

Prolonged until 10 May 2020.

Kopf (Head) 1989, 150x90x85cm, collection Armando Foundation

Until 4 May 2020, 4 statues from the exhibition "Armando in Amersfoort" will remain on show on the terraces in front of Museum Flehite: die Beine (The legs), 2 Gestalt (Figure) sculptures, and the above-mentioned Kopf (Head).

Die Brücke (The bridge) 2016, 160x190cm, collection Armando Foundation

Photo by Thomas Walter

As painting on loan, Die Brücke (The bridge) has found a lovely home at Huis Schuylenburch in The Hague, the residence of the German ambassador in the Netherlands

Passage criminel  6/56, 121,8x91,5cm, collection Museum van Bommel van Dam


Around the commemoration of 75 years of freedom, the Limburgs Museum and Museum van Bommel van Dam bring Signs of Freedom. This exhibition shows probing, spectacular works by artists and film makers who reflect on the freedom gained after 1945.

From 18 October 2019 to 8 March 2020

Der Tisch (The table) 2013, bronze, 134Bx210Lx160Hcm, edition 1/3,

collection Armando Foundation

Armando in Amersfoort

This autumn, Museum Flehite celebrates Armando’s ninetieth birthday with an exhibition at three locations.

In two rooms, the museum shows works by Armando from the core collection that is in the possession of the municipality of Amersfoort. The museum garden features 4 of his sculptures, originating from the collection of the Armando Foundation. In the Elleboogkerk close by, five works are shown that recall the fatal fire that destroyed the Armando Museum, which was housed in the church, in October 2007.

From 19 October 2019 to 26 January 2020

Photo by Conny Meslier

Around Armando’s 90th birthday (2)

When he said ‘I just feel at home here’, Armando meant that he felt good about the final accommodation of his private collection at the Chabot Museum in Rotterdam. This collection is publicly shown for the first time from 19 September 2019 to 1 March 2020.

On the opening day of this exhibition, Sinfonia Rotterdam will give a concert with accordionist Oleg Lysenko (Ukraine, 1974) who appeared on stage with Armando many times. Under the direction of guest conductor Ivan Hut, the symphony Apocalypse of the 20th century (2018) by the Russian composer Alexander Nagajev (1947) will have its world premiere.

More info: www.chabotmuseum.nl

Der Feldweg (The country lane) 24-5-17,140x240cm, collection Armando Foundation

Around Armando’s 90th birthday (1)
From 18 September to 17 November 2019, Museum Jan van der Togt in Amstelveen organises the exhibition ‘Armando', a collection of paintings, drawings, and ceramics.

More info: www.jvdtogt.nl/verwacht-armando/

Fahne (Flag) 1981, 240x155cm, collection Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem

This Fahne (flag) is part of the exhibition Virtuoso! Israels to Armando, from 29/6 to 3/11 2019 at the Frans Hals Museum.

On 22 September 2019, Cherry Duyns and Oleg Lysenko will put on the performance “I heard that people were listening", a special tribute to Armando, at De Kleine Komedie in Amsterdam

More info: https://www.dekleinekomedie.nl/programma/1192/CHERRY_DUYNS_OLEG_LYSENKO/Ik_hoorde_dat_er_geluisterd_werd/

ARTZUID Annex Amstelveen guides the visitor inter alia past Armando’s Der Bogen (The arch), a bronze sculpture with a width of 10 metres, made on a commission from the municipality of Amstelveen in 2015.

Sketch and artist’s impression in preparation of Der Bogen (The arch).

In addition to works by inter alia Flanagan, Quinn, Claassen and Kapoor, Armando is present with 3 statues on the 6th edition of ARTZUID: a two-and-a-half-kilometre art route with 80 objects, this time compiled by Cintha van Heeswijk, Michiel Romeyn, and Jhim Lamoree.

From 17 May to 15 September 2019

A Krieger (warrior) and a Gestalt (figure) will be part of the art route here.

Der Baum (The tree) 18-1-01, 200x200cm, collection Armando Foundation

From 30 March to 15 September 2019 the exhibition ‘Dreaming of trees’, which includes 3 works by Armando, will be held at the Gorcums Museum

Armando at Museum Voorlinden has been prolonged until 5 May 2019.

Landschaft (Landscape) 1-10-05, 155x250cm,

collection Museum Voorlinden, Wassenaar

Landschaft (Landscape), on show until 12 May as part of the exhibition Freedom – the fifty Dutch core artworks from 1968 at museum de Fundatie, compiled by Hans den Hartog Jager, who as a writer also pointed out the importance of Armando’s work in several publications.

Die Leiter (The ladder) 1992, private collection

In addition to work by On Kawara and Joseph Cornell and many others, Armando’s sculpture ‘die Leiter’ (The ladder) (1992) can be seen at the exhibition ‘Language and Art: Takashi Hiraide and the Artists’ in Sakura (Japan) at the Kawamura Memorial DIC until 14 January 2019

Der Zaun (The fence) 10-12-07, 155x200cm, NN Group Art Collection

The exhibition Out Of Office can still be seen at Singer Laren until 7 April 2019.More than 150 rarely exhibited artworks from Dutch corporate collections, including Armando's Der Zaun (The fence) from 2007. 

Out now: the catalogue accompanying the special exhibition at Voorlinden.

A substantial, lavishly illustrated 114-page book with textual contributions by inter alia Suzanne Swarts and Cherry Duyns.

Opening night: Saturday 3 November 2018

Museum Voorlinden

Voorlinden presents a splendid retrospective in memory of Armando. Absolute highlight is the room with Fahne (Flag), die Leiter (The ladder), and die Hand (The hand). Here, Armando's intriguing story is summarised in headlines. Until 10 March 2019.

Slot Zeist, sculpture exhibition 'from the Outside to the Inside', from 9 October to 31 December 2018

Der Arm (The arm) 1988, dimensions 16x106, 5x21,5 cm,

collection Armando Foundation


What once started in 2015 as a playful exchange between the sculpture garden the ‘Anningahof’ in Zwolle and the Municipality of Zeist has meanwhile grown into a phenomenon: the sculpture route ‘From Castle to Centre’.

With the sculpture exhibition 'from the Outside to the Inside', this sculpture route is given an extension within the walls of the Castle, where inter alia these two sculptures by Armando can be seen.

Torso 2007, 109x93x76cm, collection Armando Foundation

Rote Blume (Red flower) 18-3-11, 150x150cm, private collection

18 september 2018

If he had lived, Armando would have celebrated his 89th birthday today, hence this exuberant flower.

Todeslandschaft (Landscape of death) 29-5-18, 150x150cm,

collection Armando Foundation

Museum Voorlinden shows remarkable paintings that Armando made just before he died

On Tuesday 18 September, Armando (1929-2018) would have celebrated his 89th birthday. On this occasion, Museum Voorlinden shows a number of very recent works of this iconic Dutch artist. They date from 2018 and are called ‘Todeslandschaft’ (Landscape of death). The works will only be on display for a short time: from 18 September to 2 November 2018. This little presentation is a foretaste of the big homage to this multi-talented artist and which can be seen from 3 November 2018

(text: website Voorlinden www.voorlinden.nl)

Boundaries evoke associations with inside and outside, with power and classifications. They determine our perception of the world. The Dutch artist Armando (1929 – 2018) explored and crossed boundaries at the same time. In his polarising art, he shines a light on the defining and crossing of boundaries, taking the observer along in what is in between.

The exhibition will be opened on 27 September 2018 at 17:00

The informal work Peinture criminelle (Criminal painting) 9-1956, 122x92cm, will be given on loan for the exhibition "The Most Dangerous Game, der Weg der Situationistischen Internationale in den Mai 68” at the HKW (www.hkw.de). 

Landschaft (Landscape) 22-1-07, 155x200cm, collection museum Voorlinden

Retrospective at museum Voorlinden, autumn 2018

Armando is one of the most important post-war artists of Europe. For many decades, he worked on his highly personal and amazingly versatile visual and literary oeuvre. The uncomfortable merger of beauty and evil, melancholy and power (or the lack of it) are recurrent themes in his work. Voorlinden had scheduled a retrospective of Armando in the spring of 2019.

This show would be built around his ninetieth birthday. On 1 July, however, Armando (1929-2018) died in Potsdam (Germany). The scheduled retrospective has now been brought forward and can be seen from Saturday 3 November 2018 to Sunday 10 March 2019. In cooperation with the Armando Foundation, Voorlinden shows a grand overview with work from the Zero period from the 1960s until his last works.

(text: website Voorlinden www.voorlinden.nl)

Der Feldweg (The country lane) 1-1-17, 140x240cm, collection Rijksmuseum Twenthe

Ars longa, vita brevis

Ars longa, vita brevis (‘art is long, life is short’) is the new collection presentation of Rijksmuseum Twenthe, with 'the human condition’ as its central theme. 

Human life in nine episodes

The museum has invited nine artists, who will each furnish their own room while using the museum collection in relation to a new or existing work by the artist. In this way, a total of nine successive cabinets will come into existence, in which the artists use their installations to tell the story of ‘La condition humaine’, the human condition in the 21st century.

The nine artists who will furnish a cabinet for Ars longa, vita brevis are Bart Hess, L.A. Raeven, Berend Strik, Philip Vermeulen, Anne Wenzel, Peter Zegveld, Karin Arink (in cooperation with Renée Kool), Armando, and Siliva B. Their installations follow the different stages from a human life, beginning with lust in the first room and ending with ‘memento mori’ in the last room – human life in nine episodes. 

Rijksmuseum Twenthe, until spring 2021

Armando in China

‘Between Abstraction and Reality’, paintings and sculptures at the Guangdong Museum in Guangzhou, China. Until 28-8-2018.

Armando’s Gestalt (Figure) in the Oudolf sculpture garden of Singer Laren

Piet Oudolf is a well-known representative of 'The Dutch Wave', a school in landscape architecture that uses natural plant communities, art and time (the seasons) as sources of inspiration. Among other things, Oudolf is known for his design for the Highline in New York City and the Millennium Park in Chicago. He also was awarded several prizes and honours for his work, including the gold medal for ‘Best of Show’ at the Chelsea Flower Show in 2000. On 3 June 2018, he received the Singer Prize 2018.

Armando to Mondriaan to Wolter

Because of an extensive renovation of its building, Museum Flehite will organise an exhibition in the Rietveld Pavillion at the Zonnehof in Amersfoort this summer from 19 May to 23 September. In this new context, the museum shows work from its own collection, plus some paintings by Mondriaan and Armando – two artists who have a special link with Amersfoort. Here Armando's Rotes Bild (Red painting) 19-8-10, oil on canvas, 150 x 150cm, private collection.